SEE DIFFERENT is an initiative founded by filmmaker and content creator James Rath, aimed at promoting accessibility and innovation through storytelling and community engagement. Born with blindness, James uses his unique perspective to challenge norms and inspire change.

James Rath

Through his YouTube channel, film work, and public speeches, James explores how technology enhances lives, particularly for those with disabilities. His work not only educates but also entertains, empowers, encouraging a deeper understanding and appreciation of the disabled community.

Our Core Pillars

  1. SEE DIFFERENT today!: Our newsletter delivers insightful stories and the latest developments in accessibility and creative empowerment directly to your inbox.

  2. SEE DIFFERENT Store: Our merchandise—ranging from apparel to accessories—embodies the spirit of visibility and inclusion. Each item is a statement of advocacy and style.

  3. SEE DIFFERENT Show: This podcast features diverse voices from the disability community, offering insights into their experiences and the power of accessibility. (Returning Summer 2024)

Join the Movement

With every story shared and product offered, SEE DIFFERENT aims to build a more inclusive society. We invite you to see the world differently with us—where every difference is valued.